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This documentation provides a quick start and comprehensive insights in configuring and using the managed prometheus exporters. Learn how to gather valuable metrics from multiple outside check locations.


Getting started

To get started you need:

  • a working Prometheus installation and access to its configuration. This can be either a local Docker container, a SaaS Prometheus offering or a system installed on a server.
  • A account and a api token.

💡 We recommend that you start experimenting with a local Docker container to get started

Quick start: Use example repo

We have provided you with an example Prometheus configuration repository that contains some examples how to integrate our exporters easily into your Promtheus configuration. For the example to run, you need Docker installed.

  1. Clone our example repository
$ git clone
$ cd examples
  1. Provide api token

Create a file named ping7io-credentials that contains your api token.

$ echo "YOUR_API_TOKEN" > ping7io-credentials

The file is later picked up by Prometheus as a secret.

  1. Start a local Prometheus

The local Prometheus will instantly start collecting availability metrics for the and websites.

$ docker compose up

Learn how to query and analyze metrics in Prometheus in the example repository

Configure your own Prometheus instance

If you have an already preconfigured Prometheus